What to expect from the Android P update

Before releasing new features for public use, Google previews their products to businesses and early adopters. Recently, the company unveiled an early version of Android P, and the new features are already turning heads. Let’s take a closer look at the big changes. Indoor positioning If you’re having trouble finding your way around a huge […]

Top business phones according to Google

The mobile market is populated with a staggering variety of Android smartphones. Not only do you have to choose between several phone manufacturers like Samsung and HTC, but there are also other considerations like computing power, software features, and design. Fortunately, Google has a few Android recommendations for business use. Google-approved devices Recently, Google launched […]

Extra security features for your Android device

Mobile devices contain a lot of personal information; you can almost say its an extension of ourselves. With our checkins, bank transactions, email exchanges, browsing behavior, and other personal data stored in one device, losing your smartphone can feel like a disaster. Luckily, there are security tools on Android devices you can use to tighten […]

You can now speak with Alexa via Android

Your cousin got Alexa. Your neighbor got Alexa. Heck, even grandma got Alexa. You may not have been one of the lucky souls to receive an Alexa-enabled device last Christmas, but fret not, the latest update of the app on Android now enables voice control. You can finally get aboard the Alexa train and speak […]

Backup Android Files to PC or Mac

From important work contacts to your favorite holiday photos in Cabo, it’s hard to imagine losing files on your Android phone. In the event of your device getting stolen, lost, or damaged, it’s better to be prepared and make sure that your most precious data is backed up. Here’s a guide on how you can […]

Steps to safeguard your mobile devices

Mobile phones are just as prone to cyber attacks as desktop PCs, and cyber scammers are relying on unsecured devices to carry out their deeds. If you haven’t implemented a cyber security guideline for your company’s mobile devices, you can start by following these easy steps. Set a strong password Whether your device requires a […]

Fight mobile malware with MTD

Protecting your business data goes beyond making sure your office computers and networks are safe. Because of this, businesses are recognizing the importance of a mobile threat detection (MTD) strategy, which puts up barriers in your company’s mobile devices in order to block mobile malware and other threats. Here’s what you need to know about […]

Android users welcome Microsoft Edge

Have you ever been glued to a long, interesting article on your mobile device? You then arrive home, turn on your PC or laptop, and want to continue reading the article. What’s the quickest way to transition? Microsoft’s Edge browser has a pretty cool solution. Why Microsoft is expanding Edge to mobile Microsoft’s Windows Phone […]

Hidden Android O features you should use

Did you know that you can snooze notifications in your Android devices? That’s right, you can snooze not just your alarm but also notifications across all your devices so you can concentrate on more pressing tasks at hand. Here are several other little-used features in Android Oreo that can help you work smarter. Notifications More […]

Android users beware: Ransomware is coming

You are probably familiar with desktop-based ransomware like Petya, WannaCry, CryptoWall, and CryptoLocker. But mobile ransomware is an emerging trend you don’t want to learn about only after it strikes. Take a minute to read our summary of mobile ransomware and some easy prevention tips. How does ransomware make it onto your Android device? Like […]