
Simple tricks to improve your productivity

When you spend more than eight hours a day staring at a computer screen, it can be easy to lose focus on important tasks. While you can access some of the most useful applications through your computer, an ever-growing number of distractions are vying for your attention. Here are a few tricks to avoid getting […]

There is ransomware for Android devices

Ransomware is not just for computers anymore. Malicious software that can hold Android-running smartphones hostage is growing in number. With that in mind, here are some facts about ransomware, and how you can protect your device from it. How does ransomware make it onto your Android device? Like its desktop equivalent, mobile ransomware needs to […]

Is AI-powered VoIP the next step?

AI-driven advancements are changing the way organizations conduct business. When it comes to VoIP telephony, AI’s cognitive systems could offer proactive and predictive automation processes to increase efficiency and improve decision-making. Read on to learn how. Contact center operations Highly automated VoIP technology enables businesses to manage their call centers easily and reduce the need […]

Serverless computing and its benefits

Small- and medium-sized business (SMB) owners make the mistake of thinking all of their problems can be solved by migrating to the cloud. They forget that there’s still configuring and maintaining servers to worry about; the only difference is that these tasks are done over the internet. Fortunately, serverless computing changes that entirely and offers […]

The latest and greatest Office 365 updates

Office 365 just keeps getting better and better. Check out how these new and upcoming enhancements can improve productivity. Office Write and draw with digital ink Typing is easy on desktops and laptops, but when you’re on touch-enabled devices, keyboards are cumbersome to use, whether they are extra hardware or as space invaders on your […]

What’s so great about Google Data Studio?

Gaining valuable insights from vast amounts of raw data has never been more crucial to your company’s growth. It allows you to identify operational bottlenecks and make informed decisions about your business. That’s why more and more organizations are opting for data analytics tools like Google Data Studio. What is Google Data Studio? Google Data […]

Your password may be poor — update it now

For years, we’ve been told that strong passwords include three things: upper- and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. And why wouldn’t we when the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) told us they were the minimum for robust passwords? Here’s why not and how it involves you. The problem The issue isn’t necessarily that […]

It’s time for your business to get SaaS-y

As technology grows, more solutions are available to help businesses cut costs and improve efficiency. One such solution is software as a service, aka SaaS. To know if this can benefit your business, it’s best to learn what SaaS actually is. Read on for the answers. What is SaaS and what makes it appealing? SaaS […]